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Life Class | Art School Nudes and Figure Studies
The Botanical Art of Beryl Wright
Arthur Heslop in Northumberland
When Orlando Went to Church
After Turner
Scotland: Lochs and Castles
Christmas Punch
The Lakes Engraved
The Art of Etching
Charles Murray Adamson: A Victorian Naturalist
Edinburgh in the Age of the Georgians
Beryl G Wright: An Artist of the Moors
Webster and Sivosima Islands Viewed From Kanazawa, Japan
Woman of Kassala Carrying Water, Sudan, c.1880
Zinmu, From a Japanese Painting, c.1880
Entrance Into The Harbour of Kanazawa, Japan, c.1880
Fetiche Banana Trees, Gabon, c.1880
Birds of Japan, c.1880
The Sacred Isles of Lake Jonanga, Gabon, c.1880
Maids of Court at Kyoto, Japan, c.1880
The Price of the Duck, 1908
The Diplomatic Touch, 1908
The New Curate, 1908
Territorial Troubles, 1908
A Sensitive Plant, 1908
Maladie de Saison, Mistletoe Mouth, 1908
Too Tired to Guess, 1908
The Poker Player's Secret Make-up Outfit, 1920
The Christmas Card Artist, 1920
The Condescending Artist and his Candid Friend, 1920
Catch as Catch Can, 1908
A Modest Request, 1908
Hard Times for Doctors, 1908
The Needles, Isle of Wight, 1834
The Great Pyramid of Cholula, Mexico, 1834
Hydraulics, 1830
Force of 'Abit, 1920
Christmas Presents, Christmas, 1920
Architecture, 1830
Portable Barometer, 1830
Bricklaying, 1830
Drapery, 1830
Motoritis, 1908
Please, Mummy, May I Cry?, 1908
A Baby Policeman, 1908
At a French Watering-Place, 1908